CP1222 – Inconsistencies within the SAA Service Description and URS

Formal title: Inconsistencies within the SAA Service Description and URS

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


As part of the procurement phase of Project Isis, Elexon drafted detailed contracts of Business Requirements for the CVA, SVA and FAA Agent Services to issue to tenders. The Business Requirements were also reviewed against the BSC and Code Subsidiary Documents as part of a due diligence exercise. CP1222 details the minor inconsistencies discovered in the SAA Service Description and SAA URS, which require updating to make sure that the new contracts in February 2009 are consistent with the Business Requirements of the CVA and SVA Operator hosts.


CP1222 was raised from DCP0020. CP1222 was raised on 09 November 2007. CP1222 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00621. CP1222 was presented to the ISG for a decision on progression on 29 January 2008. The ISG approved CP1222 for inclusion in the June 2008 Release. CP1222 was implemented on 26 June 2008 as part of the June 2008 BSC Systems Release.


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