CP1224 – The Review of Code of Practice 4

Formal title: The Review of Code of Practice 4

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


CP1224 was raised by Elexon on 9 November 2007 and details the review process of Code of Practice (CoP) 4 and the suggested changes to the document that have come out of the review process. In 2005 members of the Supplier Agent Forum (SAF) requested a review of CoP4 on the grounds that CoP4 has not been reviewed or changed substantively for over 10 years. Since that time Meter technology and standards technology has advanced sufficiently to warrant a review of their calibration periods. The requirements of the new version of CoP4 will better reflect the current market/environment and provide a more cost effective balance between monitoring Metering System accuracy and the impact inaccuracies may have on Settlement.


CP1224 was raised from DCP0005 ‘The Review of Code of Practice 4’. CP1224 was raised on 9 November 2007. CP1224 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00621. CP1224 was presented to the ISG on 29 January 2008 and SVG on 05 February 2008 for decision on progression. The ISG & SVG deferred their decisions regarding CP1224 pending consultation of the solution with the CoP4 expert group. CP1224 was presented to the ISG on 26 February 2008 following consultations with the expert group. The ISG were unable to make a unanimous decision to progress CP1224 and referred the final decision to the BSC Panel. CP1224 was presented to the SVG on 04 March 2008, for an update on the consultation responses of the expert group and discussions at ISG. The SVG noted the decision of the ISG and then indicated that whilst they supported CP1224 they too could not reach a unanimous decision. However, the requested their discussion be considered when CP1224 is presented to the BSC Panel. CP1224 was presented to the BSC Panel on 13 March 2008 for a decision on progression. The BSC Panel unanimously approved CP1224 for inclusion in the November 2008 Release


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