CP1252 – Reading Submission Frequency for AMR Meters

Formal title: Reading Submission Frequency for AMR Meters

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


NHH Data Collectors are currently obligated to submit all valid readings obtained for credit meters to Settlements. This obligation is held within section 1. 2. 1 of BSCP504 ‘Non-Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’. The increasing deployment of AMR / smart metering is likely to result in many more readings being obtained for the associated meters than is currently the case. If all these readings need to be processed within Settlements this is likely to have significant capacity and performance implications for NHHDC and NHHDA systems and processes. It is likely that the cost to the industry of this, and ultimately the customer, would be disproportionate to the increased accuracy of Settlements and would inhibit wide scale roll-out of AMR. This issue was identified during the BSC Smart Metering Review. The BSC requirements and the proposed solution were considered and agreed by the smart metering expert group


CP1252 was raised on 27 August 2008. CP1252 has been issued for Participant Impact Assessment via CPC00642 on 05 September 2008. CP1252 was presented to the SVG on 04 November 2008 for a decision on progression. The SVG approved CP1252 for inclusion in the February 2009 Release. CP1252 was implemented on 26 February 2009 as part of the February 2009 Release. CP1252 was implemented on 26 February 2009 as part of the February 2009 Release.


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