CP1299 – Requirement on Half Hourly Data Collectors to Collect and Report Reactive Power Data

Formal title: Requirement on Half Hourly Data Collectors to Collect and Report Reactive Power Data

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


Following a Working Group on Absent and Erroneous Reactive Power Data Elexon has raised CP1296. This is one of 4 CPs (1296, 1297, 1298 and 1299) which have resulted from the group’s work. Elexon has raised CP1299 which recommends that the current requirement in BSCP502 relating to collection of Reactive Power data should be strengthened to oblige the HHDC to collect and report Reactive Power data, where the MOA has so configured the Meter. This change will largely formalise existing practice.


CP1299 was raised on 05 June 2009. CP1299 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00662. This CP was presented to the SVG on 04 August 2009 and was implemented as part of the February 2010 Release.


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