CP1311 – Replacing Erroneous Forward Looking EAC

Formal title: Replacing Erroneous Forward Looking EAC

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


There is an existing process in the Code (S-2 4. 3. 17) and in BSCP504 (4. 14. 4. 6) that allows an Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) to be replaced by a representative value, but there are 3 problems with this process: Potential for inconsistent application of requirement Applicability of EAC replacement Manual processCP1311 proposes mandating the replacement of all negative EACs with a class average EAC (or a more representative EAC, if available), leaving the replacement of positive EACs as an optional process. Changes to BSCP504 and the EAC/AA software would be required to support this solution.


CP1311 was raised on 28 August 2009. CP1311 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00668. This CP was presented to the SVG on 3 November 2009 for approval. This CP was implemented as part of the June 2010 Release.


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