BSC Insights about Code Governance and reforms
If significant events or changes occur within the electricity industry we will analyse and offer insight into what has happened and why. The impartial insight articles are written by our industry experts, who have a wealth of experience and knowledge. These findings are supported by a large amount of industry data.
These BSC Insights articles all relate to Code governance and reforms.
BSC Insights: Code Governance Review
This Elexon insight offers our view of how energy codes (the commercial arrangements underpinning the energy system) could be consolidated and simplified for the benefit of new entrants and energy […]
BSC Insights: Independent analysis backs the case for code reforms
Angela Love, Director of Strategy and Communications at Elexon, discusses analysis which Elexon commissioned from consultants, Cornwall Insight on options for reforming the energy codes. Published: July 2019 Options for […]
BSC insights: The BSC Panel, a template for panel constitution?
This Insight article looks at why the BSC Panel model is frequently cited as one of the better models for ensuring broad representation of stakeholders to feel they are engaged and their views understood within the code panel.
Published: August 2017