
Changes to BSC Parties and Qualified Persons: February 2025

This page lists changes to the status of Balancing and Settlement (BSC) Parties and Qualified Persons in February. It includes information on any new qualifications and registrations, new market participants, withdrawals and defaults.

Change of Party details

PZEM Energy Company B.V.

PZEM Energy Company B.V. (Party ID: PZEM) has changed its name as follows:

  • Party Name: EP Commodities B.V.

CVA Qualification and registration

Iron Acton Green Limited

Iron Acton Green Limited [Party ID: IAGL2020] has successfully completed CVA Qualification and has Registered in the role of Generator on 11/02/2025.

Cumberhead West Wind Farm

Cumberhead West Wind Farm [Party ID: CHWW2024] has successfully completed CVA Qualification and has Registered in the role of Generator on 07/02/2025.

Vital Energi Power Networks

Vital Energi Power Networks [Party ID: VITALPN1] has successfully completed CVA Qualification and has Registered in the role of Distribution Business on 05/02/2025.

Default of BSC

Currently none.


Currently none.

Expulsion from BSC

Currently none.

New market participants

Powertica Commodities UK Ltd

Powertica Commodities UK Ltd (Party ID: POWTCAUK) has acceded to the Balancing and Code as of 11/02/2025. This intends to register in the role of Non-Physical Trader.

Vital Future Software Limited

Vital Future Software Limited (Party ID: VITALESL) has acceded to the Balancing and Code as of 03/02/2025. This intends to register in the role of Virtual Lead Party and Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party.

Ohme Operations UK Limited

Ohme Operations UK Limited (Party ID: OHME) has acceded to the Balancing and Code as of 03/02/2025. This intends to register in the role of Virtual Lead Party, Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party, and Virtual Trading Party.

Itochu Europe Plc

Itochu Europe Plc (Party ID: ITCEU) has acceded to the Balancing and Code as of 03/02/2025. This intends to register in the role of Non-Physical Trader.

ASE Management Services Ltd

ASE Management Services Ltd (Party ID: ASEM01) has acceded to the Balancing and Code as of 03/02/2025. This intends to register in the role of Generator.

Kria Energy ehf

Kria Energy ehf (Party ID: KRIAENER) has acceded to the Balancing and Code as of 03/02/2025. This intends to register in the roles of Non-Physical Trader and Interconnector User. 

Party Novation application

Currently none.

Surrender of Qualification

Calisen Metering Services Limited

At the Performance Assurance Board meeting 288 held on 30 January 2025, the PAB approved the Surrender of Qualified Status of Calisen Metering Services Limited as a Non Half-hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) using the LBSL MPID, with effect of 30 April 2025.

SVA Qualification

Currently none.

Withdrawal from the BSC

Currently none.


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