
Changes to SAA Settlement Report (SAA-I014)

From the 1 April 2020, Elexon will stop production and cease support of SAA-I014 (V008). BSC Parties who currently receive SAA-I014 (V008) must ensure their systems are updated to receive either SAA-I014 (V009) or (V010).

What do I need to do?

BSC Parties who want to continue to receive or wish to receive SAA-I014 (V009) will need to complete the BSCP41 (Report Requests and Authorisations) BSCP41/1 Part A form.

The completed form should then be submitted to the BSC Service Desk by 25 March 2020.

Please see details below regarding if you need to take any action.

BSC Party currently receives

From the 1 April 2020, BSC Party wishes to receive


SAA-I014 (V009)

SAA-I014 (V010)

Do nothing

SAA-I014 (V009)

SAA-I014 (V009)

Complete and submit BSCP41/01 form

SAA-I014 (V008)

SAA-I014 (V009)

Complete and submit BSCP41/01 form

SAA-I014 (V008)

SAA-I014 (V010)

Do nothing

BSC Parties will need to ensure their system can receive the amended SAA-I014 (V010) report, regardless of whether they need to complete the form or not.

What’s changing?

The changes in the SAA-I014 (V010) report is in provision for P354 Modification (use of Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (ABSVD) for non-BM Balancing Services at the metered (MPAN) level); therefore SAA-I014 (V010) will now include ABSVD data at Supplier level. 

The April 2020 Release will go live on 1 April 2020. This release will include changes to the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) Settlement Report (SAA-I014) flow. Elexon has included the schema and sample files on the April 2020 Release page.


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