
COVID-19: End to BSC derogations and suspensions

The Performance Assurance Board (PAB) has agreed an approach and timescales for ending the derogations from BSC rules and resuming Performance Assurance Techniques, which have supported BSC Parties in managing the impact of COVID 19. 

As further Government announcements are made, Elexon and the PAB will continue to assess these timelines and communicate them to industry where necessary.

Ending of the COVID-19 Estimation adjustment derogation

The PAB has approved an indicative timetable in which NHH Suppliers and Agents would need to make sure new Estimated Annual Consumptions (EACs) are processed, effective From 2 October 2020. The PAB will decide whether the proposed end date will take effect at its meeting on 23 September 2020 and will consider the views of an expert group and industry feedback when making this decision

On 30 April, the PAB approved derogations to allow Suppliers to submit new consumption estimates, either at the end of the lockdown period, or at a point where the Supplier recognises that the site has resumed operation. They also allowed Data Collectors a grace period from their obligations to undertake site inspections during lockdown, and for three months following a lockdown.

Ending of site inspection visits derogation and LTV grace period

It was deemed that 1 October 2020 was a sensible date to consider issuing the three month notice period to end the site inspection derogation and Long Term Vacant (LTV) grace period but this is also subject to a final decision in September.

The PAB agreed that the BSC Auditor will take a pragmatic approach when assessing compliance with the LTV process in its assessments for the 2020/2021 audit period, as the ability to keep a property within the process is dependent on site visits.

Plan to resume EFR

The EFR (Error Failure Resolution) process will be resumed in phases between 1 September and 1 January 2021. 

In March 2020, the triggers for EFR were suspended. Existing EFR plans were placed on hold, unless the Supplier or Supplier Agent responsible for the plan advised Elexon otherwise. 

Plan to resume TAPAP

Elexon plans only to undertake the Risk 11 (Unmetered Supplies) TAPAP (Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance) for which Performance Assurance Parties (PAPs) are already prepared, and undertake TAPAP audits to investigate the COVID-19 estimation adjustments, where required.

During lockdown, TAPAP checks for Risk 11 due to take place between April and June 2020 were suspended. These are now due to resume.

Plan to resume (TAA) site visits

The PAB agreed that the priority for the industry is to undertake site visits to fix Meters and obtain Meter Reads. 

In March, all TAA (Technical Assurance Agent) site visits were suspended with immediate effect. Some TAA visits are set to resume now. 

Supplier Charges

PAB will consider the criteria for resuming these charges at PAB 234 on 30 July 2020. The final decision will be made by the BSC Panel following the PAB’s recommendations.

BSC Modification P406 suspended Supplier Charge Serials SP08 and SP04 from March 2020.

More about ending derogations

The PAB will consider the views of an expert group of Suppliers and Data Collectors before agreeing a firm timescale for ending the derogations. If you have any points you believe should be considered when this decision is made, please either contact your Operational Support Manager or email [email protected].

The PAB is one of the BSC Panel committees. The PAB conducts and administers activities to provide assurance that all participants in the BSC arrangements are suitably qualified and that the relevant standards are maintained.


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