
Ending the ‘Coronavirus Disapplication Period’ for Supplier Charges

On 12 May, we issued BSC Circular EL03581, which gave notice to BSC Parties that the ‘Coronavirus Disapplication Period’ for Supplier Charges will be ending. This means that, from September 2022, Supplier Charges for SP08 will be reapplied from the September Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Reporting Period.

What is happening?

At its meeting on 12 May 2022, the BSC Panel noted that all restrictions which could be reasonably viewed as affecting normal Settlement operations were now lifted across Great Britain, and therefore determined that the ‘Coronavirus Disapplication Period’ for Supplier Charges should end. However, the Panel also requested that Parties be given sight of the potential charges as early as possible and that the Panel should be given the opportunity to review this data at its June 2022 meeting.

Parties do not need to take any specific action, but should be aware that Supplier Charges for underperformance against the SP08 PARMS Serial will be reapplied from September 2022.

Please note that the SP04 PARMS Serial was removed under Modification P429, and therefore is no longer applicable for Supplier Charges.

What is the Coronavirus Disapplication Period’?

In May 2020, Modification P406 was implemented to support the industry during the Government’s COVID-19 restrictions in response to the pandemic. The Modification suspended the SP08 and SP04 Supplier Charges from the March 2020 Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Reporting Period, until further notice.

The Modification did this through introducing the ‘Coronavirus Disapplication Period’, noting that this Period should end when restrictions were lifted and more normal Settlement operations could resume.


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