Quarterly Performance Assurance Report for Q4 2020-2021
We have published the latest Quarterly Performance Assurance Report for Q4 2020-2021. This report outlines the Key Points of Progress, the Risk Landscape, Key Industry Metrics, Focussed Risk and Event Overview as well as Technique Updates.
Latest QPAR
Risk Manager Update for this quarter
During this period of uncertainty and unprecedented conditions for the Energy Market, we have continued to develop supportive and appropriate measures within Performance Assurance, to mitigate and manage the issues arising from COVID-19 and lockdowns across the various regions of the country.
We have seen further national lockdowns which are continuing to impact performance across all Market sectors.
Our Risk approach within Elexon remains to re-assess and re-prioritise Risks in accordance with changes in how Risks impact the market. In addition, we continue to monitor performance of Parties at this time, but will not recommend the deployment of Performance Assurance Techniques (PATs), other than in exceptional cases.
Plans for Next Quarter
- Focus on improving assurance in the CVA Market – Elexon has committed to providing detailed and regular updates to the market on the status and any issues as they arise within the CVA Market. To support the improved assurance being applied to the CVA Market, Elexon has bought forward the development of Risk Analytic & Monitoring Dashboards for the CVA Market Risks.
- Understanding and mitigating the impact of any potential transition to the REC – Elexon has been liaising with the REC assurance provider to ensure that Elexon is able to respond effectively to the transfer of responsibilities.
- Addressing market issues identified within the BSC Audit – Elexon will be presenting the Market Issues to the PAB in the first Quarter of the 2021/22 PAOP.