
Technical Assurance Agent Management Tool (TAAMT) enhancements

A new release of TAAMT will go live on 23 September 2024, bringing a range of improvements to the usability and functionality of the service.

More about the new release

The most notable change to the user experience will be the new daily automated email.

Currently TAAMT users receive a range of emails depending on the action required. Once this latest release (2.2) goes live, users will receive one email each day notifying them of the actions that need to be completed.

This change has allowed Elexon to consolidate the automated emails that were previously being sent and provide users with daily updates to help them better manage their audits.

A full summary of the change included in this latest release is below.

Summary of TAAMT 2.2 release features

  • Change emails from a per action email to a daily summary
  • Merge Inspections and Appointments
  • Merge Queries and Appeals
  • Rename Failures to Non-Compliances
  • Set “Filter From” dates to first day of current audit year
  • Rename “Inspection Period” filter to “Audit year” on Inspections and Non-compliances searches
  • Add forgotten password functionality to the login screen
  • Password Expiry styling changes for consistency
  • Add “Shared Queries” in the reporting tool
  • Customisable dashboard and export as CSV/Excel feature
  • Introduce a “Failed SLA” process in the on-site audit process to replicate similar functionality in desktop audits
  • Archive data older than 7 years

Get more information

If you have any questions regarding the new TAAMT 2.2 release, please contact Elexon Support.


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