FAQs on testing of P375 BSC System changes
This page aims to answer common questions about participation in the testing of system changes related to Modification P375, part of the June 2022 Release.
Some FAQs Modification P375 affects anyone that is interested in using Asset Metering. It will introduce new roles and processes, allowing individual Asset Meters located ‘behind the boundary point’ to be used for Settlement purposes.
Some FAQs on P375 testing
Q. What is the timeline of the project delivery and testing?
A. We have finished development of changes to the BSC Systems. These are undergoing various phases of testing before going live on 30 June 2022.
To take part in testing, participant systems must have been developed to be able to produce or consume the various new data files required by the P375 solution by end of May 2022 as testing takes place in June 2022.
Q. Do we need to be qualified to participate as an Asset Meter Half Hourly Data Collector (AMHHDC) in the testing phase?
A. Qualification is not required for testing. It would not be possible for any participants to start the Qualification process for any of the new Participant Roles for P375 before the go-live on 30 June 2022.
Q. Can non-BSC Parties that provide HHDC products to clients in the industry participate in testing?
A. It would have to be your clients, i.e. actual HHDCs that participate in the testing. You will of course be supporting them with testing but it would need to be them actually participating.
Q. What are the test scenarios for a Meter Operator Agent (MOA)?
A. We have not officially developed any test scenarios for MOAs. This is because Elexon does not normally manage testing for data transactions that do not involve the BSC Systems such as Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA). MOA interactions are part of the new “AMVLP Hub” (Asset Metering Virtual Lead Parties), which don’t involve SVAA (apart from HHDCs sending the D0390 to SVAA). The majority of MOA and HHDC processes for P375 are based on existing “Supplier Hub” flows.
Elexon will provide a list of these flows later in April either via a circular or webinar.
Q. What is the process for exchanging files via FTP?
A. The process will be documented and shared with all testing participants in due course. Our preference is that Participants for AMVLP role will be able to connect to the test environment to submit the files by FTP. The back-up is to email the test files to CGI to load. For HHDCs, where they would normally route via the Data Transfer Network (DTN), we won’t be able to test using the DTN. However, HHDCs could email these files to us.
Q. Will ELEXON provide the P-flows files?
A. Yes Elexon will provide relevant sample P-flow files to all testing participants. Participants should be able to develop the P0297, P0300, P0303 (Registration), P0278 (Metering System Identifier (MSID) Pair allocation to a Secondary Balancing Mechanism Unit (SBMU)), P0306 (MSID Pair allocation to a SBMU) & P0282 (Delivered Volumes) data flows and should be able to receive and process the response flows.
Q. Will there be use of APIs for testing the P-flows?
A. The solution does not include APIs for external participants. The P-flows will need to be tested via upload into Salesforce Communities front end.
Q. How can we get access to Salesforce Communities screens?
A. When you have registered your interest in testing, please provide email addresses of users that require access and Elexon Test Manager will arrange the relevant access and confirm details of how to access in due course.