
TLF values for the Winter 2020 Season now available

The Transmission Loss Factors (TLF) for each BM Unit that is registered to be active during the 1 December 2020 to 28 February 2021 has been published.

You can access the latest values via the BM Unit Specific Transmission Loss Factors page on the Elexon Portal.

The values for Winter 2020 are located towards the bottom of the page in a PDF or spreadsheet format.

More about the TLF Winter values

The values featured will be effective as indicated by the Effective From and Effective To Dates displayed.

The TLFA calculates BM Unit Specific TLFs for BM Units that were active during the relevant Reference Year, in accordance with the Network Mapping Statement (TLFA-I001).

For new registrations, Elexon determines the BM Unit Specific TLF by using the TLFA-I009 ‘Adjusted Seasonal Zonal TLFs’ for the relevant Season.


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