
Update to the submission of MDD Plan for Ofgem’s TCR

Find out the latest updates for 7 December 2020 regarding the submission of Market Domain Data (MDD) Plan for Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR).

DNO Change Requests approved for January MDD publish

As part of our continuing work to progress large scale change to MDD sets for TCR, Elexon proposed the related Change Requests for Distributed Network Operators (DNOs) to the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) at the latest SVG meeting on 1 December 2020.

The SVG approved the DNO change requests, which will be published in the MDD data set on 13 January 2021 and will go live on 20 January 2021.

IDNO Change Requests

We will continue to validate Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) Change Requests for the time being, and will seek approval from the SVG to progress these after we have completed industry testing.

Workshop for IDNOs

In the meantime, we will be holding an informal workshop for IDNOs on Monday 14 December from 14:00 – 1600, to discuss the number of Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) combinations being requested, and to explain how the MDD processes and timescales work.

If you would like to attend, please email [email protected].

Industry testing now scheduled for February 2021

Industry testing will take place in early February 2021. We will be inviting all parties who requested the opportunity to test in our Request for Information to industry in August. Visit ‘Next Steps’ further down the page to find out more about industry testing.

Get involved in testing

If you didn’t request to participate in testing in August, you can still take part.

Please register your interest by contacting the Release team.

More about MDD changes

Find out more about the large scale changes to MDD based on Ofgem’s TCR.


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