
Virtual Trading Party market entry meeting

As BSC Modification P415 ‘Facilitating access to wholesale markets for flexibility dispatched by Virtual Lead Parties’ is due to go live on 07 November 2024, the market entry team will soon be holding meetings with potential applicants who wish to register as a Virtual Trading Party (VTP).

During the meetings we will provide a high level overview of the market entry steps and timelines for your application.

Meetings will be held from week commencing 26th August 2024, therefore if you would like a meeting please can you email [email protected].

Please note that new VTP applicants cannot complete the market entry steps or submit the Self-assessment document (SAD) until the P415 go-live date on 07 November 2024. The earliest Performance Assurance Board (PAB) meeting a VTP can seek approval, for its SVA Qualification application, is the December 2024 PAB meeting (19/12/2024). This means the SAD will need to be finalised by 22/11/2024. Note that any issues on SAD submissions will require the applicant to update and resubmit the SAD. This may add time on, which no longer makes the December PAB meeting feasible.

For SVA qualification related questions please email [email protected].


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