BSC Simple Guides

This page lists links to the BSC Simple Guides associated to the Balancing and Settlement Code. The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) is a lengthy legal document. The following guides provide a good starting point for understanding what each part of the BSC covers.

List of BSC Simple Guides

(Showing items 1-5 of 30)

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Acronyms and Defined Terms simple guide

Words or phrases (other than headings or titles) that are capitalised in these summaries generally appear as defined terms in the BSC (either in Section X or in context in the Section to which they relate).

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BSC Framework Agreement simple guide

The BSC Framework Agreement is the agreement signed by those members of the Electricity Pool of England and Wales, BSCCo, the Authority and NETSO (previously Transmission Company) – known as the Original Parties) by which the BSC was made contractually binding the Original Parties in 2000.

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Section A: Parties and Participation

Section A of the BSC deals with Parties and participation. The main issues covered include the capacities that a Party may have under the BSC; the arrangements for admission of new Parties; requirements for Parties to provide information to Elexon, and to register with the Central Registration Agent (CRA); and provisions for withdrawal and expulsion from the BSC.

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Section B: The Panel

Section B covers the establishment of the Balancing and Settlement Code Panel, the appointment and duties of Panel Members, the powers and functions of the Panel, the proceedings of the Panel, Panel Committees, Annual Reports and the Annual BSC Meeting.

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Section C: Elexon and its Subsidiaries

Section C covers the constitution of Elexon and the obligations of the shareholder of Elexon; the powers, functions and responsibilities of Elexon; the management of Elexon; the relationship between Elexon and Parties; the Business Strategy and Annual Budget for Elexon; and Subsidiaries of Elexon.

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