European Network Codes Implementation Plan
On 3 March 2011, the European Third Energy Package came into effect with the aim of developing a more harmonised European energy market. This legislation required the development of ENCs, which would apply across Europe and take precedence over existing national arrangements.
The introduction of the ENCs will have a far reaching impact on the GB electricity industry, with changes required to grid connections, markets and system operation.
On this page
Implementation plan
Last updated: April 2022
Elexon circulates the Project Plan spreadsheet from the previous month – last Wednesday of the month. National Grid ESO and Energy Networks Association (ENA) amends the Project Plan spreadsheet to highlight any updates – first Wednesday of every month.
Elexon publishes the updated ENC Implementation Project Plan and circulate to NGET and ENA – second Wednesday of every month.
Objectives and project plan
Whilst the final ENCs entered into force in 2017, implementation activities in GB will continue for a number of years. In order for Code Administrators to be able to project manage the required changes these network codes and guidelines will introduce, this document provides the following end to end Project Plan.
The Project Plan is designed as a tool with a filter function, to enable the user to select information and tailor it any given audience.
Information can be filtered by any variation of the following categories:
- Code
- Change reference
- ENC milestone
- the date the change was raised
- Change decision date
- Implementation date
- State of progression (i.e. upcoming, raised, assessment, awaiting implementation etc.)
- Known dependencies
Please be aware that Project Plan and assessment has been developed on the principle of minimal change to meet compliance, for example to avoid rewriting the newly introduced ENC requirements into the GB Codes.
Please see the summary for the network codes and impacts on the GB Codes below:
Connection codes
Requirements for Generators (RfG)
Harmonise and update technical connection requirements for all types of generators from 800W upward.
Demand Connection Code (DCC)
Connection of industrial loads and DSOs, and sets out requirements which will apply to the demand side of the power system.
Network Code on High-Voltage Direct Current Connections (HVDC)
Rules for the use of HVDC technology included between synchronous area and embedded systems.
Market Codes
Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA)
Couples existing European electricity forward markets to create a pan-European internal market by harmonising market rules for calculating and allocating capacity in the forward market.
Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM)
Rules for allocating capacity in day-ahead and intra-day timeframe, calculating the levels of availability cross border, allocating and recovering costs.
Network Code on Electricity Balancing (EB GL)
Rules for cross border exchange of reserves and balancing energy.
System Operator Codes
Transmission System Operation Guideline (SOGL)
Setting minimum system security, operational planning and frequency management standards.
Network Code on Emergency and Restoration (NC ER)
Harmonisation of system defence and restoration procedures during severe events.