CP0530 – Reporting of CALF Values to Elexon

Formal title: Reporting of CALF Values to Elexon

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision


BSCC do not currently receive CALF values back from the CRA, after they have been submitted. Therefore the BSCC cannot confirm that the CALF values provided have been registered correctly by the CRA. This increases the risk that an error in process of registering a CALF value in CRA will not be detected. Modify Flow CRA-I020 (R0201), which is sent to BSCC Ltd and the SO, as follows: in group ‘BM Unit Registration’ (BR3), add data item ‘Credit Assessment Loss Factor’, mandatory, at the end of the group. To uphold the integrity of Settlements. This CP has been raised to supersede NCR341.


This CP was rejected


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