CP0554 – Amendments to BSCP301

Formal title: Amendments to BSCP301

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


This CP supersedes NCR322 and addresses inconsistencies initially identified by the NETA Programme and subsequently reviewed by ELELXON (IRP CP001). a) BSC section N 8. 7. 1 states that “Any amounts standing to the credit of Clearing Account at the close of business on any Payment Date shall be transferred to the Reserve Account so that the balance in the Clearing Account at the end of such day will be nil. ” This process is not covered in BSCP301. b) EPFAL IDD FAA-I010 requires the Quarterly Statement to be sent to Parties and Customs & Excise for VAT purposes, the BSCP 301 only has the flow being sent to Parties.
c) BSC Section N 6. 6. 1 (b) lists the Panel as a recipient of a notification to postpone a Payment Date. This is not reflected in BSCP301.


This CP was implemented on 12/08/01


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