CP0567 – Inconsistencies in BSCP15 and BSCP20

Formal title: Inconsistencies in BSCP15 and BSCP20

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


This CP supersedes NCR 349. Under the ACTION column in BSCP 15 “This process continues under BSCP509” to be moved from step 3. 3. 5 to step 3. 3. 6. Add a footnote in BSCP 20 section 3. 1. 8 to state “Where the Technical Details are not consistent or not compliant to the relevant CoP, the registration will be rejected, and MOAs will be required to resubmit the Meter Technical Details under step 3. 1. 7. ”
BSCP20 Section 3. 1. 8 – note 3 – Where the Technical Details are not consistent or not compliant to the relevant CoP the registration will be rejected, does this terminate the whole process or just that specific part?


This CP was Implemeted on 13/08/02


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