CP0722 – Modify NHHDA Instruction Processing specification to include support for ‘Special Case’ DAA termination.

Formal title: Modify NHHDA Instruction Processing specification to include support for 'Special Case' DAA termination.

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The, ‘NHH Instruction Processing Specification’, which is an appendix to the SVA Data Catalogue, contains the following statement in section 3. 2. 1 (d), referring to a ‘special case’ Data Aggregator Appointment termination instruction: – “In order to cater for SMRS developments which, because of timescale pressures, cannot support creation of a Data Aggregator Appointment Details instruction as specified when a previously open ended Data Aggregator Appointment has its Effective To Settlement Date set, the following dedicated processing is included. It should be noted that this processing is not considered part of the instruction processing specification and its longer term support will be an issue for the ensuing Design Authority. ”
The use of this ‘special case’ instruction is now firmly established in practice, such that it could now be considered part of this specification.


This CP was implemented


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