CP0809 – Removal of PDSO’s obligation to issue D0265 flows to Suppliers and HHDAs

Formal title: Removal of PDSO's obligation to issue D0265 flows to Suppliers and HHDAs

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision


Currently BSCP 528 ‘SVA Line Loss Factors for Half Hourly and Non-Half Hourly Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’ places an obligation on PDSOs to issue their SVA Line Loss Factor (LLF) data to affected Suppliers and Half Hourly Data Aggregators (HHDAs) using a ‘Line Loss Factor Data File’ D0265 dataflow via the Data Transfer Network (DTN). However, since the implementation of Modification Proposal P30 ‘Provision of BSC data to BSC and non-BSC Parties’, the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) is now obligated to display LLF data (in both full D0265 form and summarised format) additionally on the BSC Website.
Therefore this CP proposes removal of the PDSO’s obligation to issue their D0265 to Suppliers and HHDAs.


This CP was rejected


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