CP0831 – Amend ‘Meter Type’ definition where a pre-payment meter is used as a credit meter.
Formal title: Amend ‘Meter Type’ definition where a pre-payment meter is used as a credit meter.
Current Status
CP760 (Identification of Prepayment Meters within the D0150 ‘Non Half Hourly Meter Technical Details’ dataflow) was raised to modify the BSC SVA Data Catalogue to describe how the ‘Meter Type’ data item (J0483) should be populated. The changes proposed via CP760 do not explicitly cover the instance where a pre-payment meter is being used as a credit meter, so a further amendment to the BSC SVA Data Catalogue is required to indicate how ‘Meter Type’ should be populated in this circumstance. This CP does not replace CP760, but is an enhancement to it.
This CP was rejected