CP0880 – Transfer of reading history following a change of Profile Class without a reading.

Formal title: Transfer of reading history following a change of Profile Class without a reading.

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision


On change of Non Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC), the old NHHDC is required to send the meter reading and associated AA/EAC history. The minimum historical data requirements are defined in Appendix 4. 8 of BSCP Procedure BSCP504. As a minimum, data should be sent “back to and including the latest of” a number of events including change of Profile Class. On change of Profile Class, it is not mandatory to obtain a reading, as an Annualised Advance can be calculated for a meter advance period that spans the change. As some NHHDCs are able to effect a change of Profile Class without the need for a reading, this can result in no readings being transferred on change of NHHDC. This can result in periods without an Annualised Advance, or a less accurate Annualised Advance, if the new NHHDC deems a reading for the Profile Class change.


This CP was rejected


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