CP0890 – Clarification of use of data from a previous appointment by NHHDC

Formal title: Clarification of use of data from a previous appointment by NHHDC

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision


Some NHHDCs have been deeming the Change of Supplier (CoS) readings during a coincident COS/CoA using historical data from an earlier appointment (i. e. not the appointment immediately preceding the CoS/CoA) to the Metering System where the old agent has failed to provide the meter history. It this situation the NHHDC will be unaware of any changes to the metering system that have occurred during the old agents registration and the data being used to calculate the deemed reading will be out of date resulting in questionable readings. This has caused inaccurate consumption to enter Settlements (sometimes contributing to the excessively large EAC/AA issue) where the new Agent holds out of date information. This can also cause an inaccurate final read for the old Supplier, an inaccurate starting read for the new Supplier and an inaccurate read for the new NHHDC to use for future validation.


This CP was rejected


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