CP1033 – Discrepancy between D0269 and D0270 flows
Formal title: Discrepancy between D0269 and D0270 flows
Current Status
The D0269 flow is the ‘Market Domain Data Complete Set’, whereas the D00270 is the ‘Market Domain Data Incremental Set’. Participants in receipt of MDD should be able to load a D0270 flow on top of a D0269 flow and still have the complete set of MDD. Because the D0270 only contains the incremental updates rather than the entire data set, the processing time of loading a D0270 rather than a D0269 is improved. There is a discrepancy between the D0269 and D0270 files, specifically in the MTC TPR Countfield. In the D0269 file the field is populated however in the D0270 file the field remains unpopulated. The fact that the flows are slightly different means that loading a D0270 flow on top of a D0269 flow will not have exactly the same effect as loading a new D0269.
This CP was implemented