CP1047 – Warning to highlight when no GSP are selected for run

Formal title: Warning to highlight when no GSP are selected for run

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


This issue occurs when an aggregation run is performed and the System Parameter is not set to ‘Aggregate for all GSP Groups’. If no GSP Groups are selected, the status on the Schedule Run Aggregation screen is erroneously defined as successful (s) on the screen. An error log is also produced for this run with the message ‘No GSP groups retrieved for run nnnn’ and no Supplier Purchase Matrix (SPM) is produced. This issue also occurs when the System Parameter is set to ‘Aggregate for all GSP Groups’ and the User does not enter a GSP Group for a Dispute Aggregation run. This issue does not occur for all other run types for which the System Parameter is set to ‘Aggregate for all GSP Groups’.


This CP was implemented


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