CP1180 – Confirmation of Metering Status in the Non Half Hourly Market
Formal title: Confirmation of Metering Status in the Non Half Hourly Market
Current Status
Once Meters have been removed the D0150 flow is not always sent to Suppliers/Agents during CoS/CoA scenarios while there are no Meters on site. This can lead to Suppliers/Agents not getting confirmation of the situation at a site and as consequence SMRS may not be updated with the latest data. CP1180 proposes changes to BSCP514 to ensure that up to date information regarding Metering and feeder statuses are delivered to Suppliers.
CP1180 was raised on 16 October 2006 and was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00593. CP1180 was re-issued for Impact Assessment as part of CPC00603 with the associated redline document changes for Industry review. CP1180 was approved by the SVG for inclusion in the November 2007 Release on 5 June 2007 pending confirmation from the Industry regarding implementation timescales. CP1180 was taken back to the SVG on 6 July 2007 informing them that the some Industry members require 6 months to implement, therefore the SVG agreed to remove CP1180 from the November 2007 Release and Approved CP1180 for inclusion in the February 2008 Release. CP1180 was implemented on 28 February 2008 as part of the February 2008 Release.