CP1191 – Amendment of SVAA Service Line SSL330 to bring it in line with current contract arrangements.
Formal title: Amendment of SVAA Service Line SSL330 to bring it in line with current contract arrangements.
Current Status
Changes to the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) contract arrangements have created a misalignment between the contract arrangements and the SVAA Service Line SSL330. This has necessitated amendments to SSL330 to bring it in line with the existing contract arrangements. The main areas of misalignment include the ad-hoc reporting service and the acceptance testing service requirements.
CP1191 was raised on 4 May 2007. CP1191 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00604 on 4 may 2007. CP1191 was presented to the SVG for a decision on progression on 3 July 2007. The SVG approved CP1191 for implementation on 23 August 2007. CP1191 was implemented on 23 August 2007 as part of the P197 Release.