CP1193 – Recommended changes following an operational review of BSCP38 – ‘Authorisations’

Formal title: Recommended changes following an operational review of BSCP38 – ‘Authorisations’

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


CP1193 proposes various changes following an operational review of BSCP38 ‘Authorisations’ following concerns from the CRA and BSC Parties undertaking the Authorisation Process.


CP1193 was raised on 4 May 2007. CP1193 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00604. CP1193 was presented to the ISG on 26 June 2007 for a decision on progression. The ISG approved CP1193 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release. CP1193 was presented to the SVG for a decision on progression on 3 July 2007. The SVG approved CP1193 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release.


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