CP1193 – Recommended changes following an operational review of BSCP38 – ‘Authorisations’
Formal title: Recommended changes following an operational review of BSCP38 – ‘Authorisations’
Current Status
CP1193 proposes various changes following an operational review of BSCP38 ‘Authorisations’ following concerns from the CRA and BSC Parties undertaking the Authorisation Process.
CP1193 was raised on 4 May 2007. CP1193 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00604. CP1193 was presented to the ISG on 26 June 2007 for a decision on progression. The ISG approved CP1193 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release. CP1193 was presented to the SVG for a decision on progression on 3 July 2007. The SVG approved CP1193 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release.