CP1195 – Amendments to BSCP27 ‘Technical Assurance of Half Hourly Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes’ and BSCP38 ‘Authorisations’ with regard to Category I Authorised Signatories

Formal title: Amendments to BSCP27 ‘Technical Assurance of Half Hourly Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes’ and BSCP38 ‘Authorisations’ with regard to Category I Authorised Signatories

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


There is a requirement for the Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Registrant’s Authorised Signatory (Category I) to sign the notification form to the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) & Meter Operating Agent (MOA) confirming acceptance of an impending inspection visit (BSCP27/3. 5. 3). There is no step within BSCP38 for the Central Registration Agent (CRA) or Elexon to provide this data to the TAA, so the TAA is unaware of whom the Authorised Signatories are and therefore is unable to check. However, as a representative of the MOA would always accompany the TAA on site there is no risk to Settlement with regard to trading and registration activities. As there is no risk to Settlement, the proposal is to remove Category I from BSCP38 (as it is used solely for notification of TAA site visits); and references to an Authorised Signatory from BSCP27. The removal of references to an Authorised Signatory from BSCP27 would not preclude the CVA Registrant from their responsibility to send electronic acceptance to the TAA and MOA.


CP1195 was raised on 4 May 2007. CP1195 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00604. CP1195 was presented to the ISG on 26 June 2007 for a decision on progression. The ISG approved CP1195 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release. CP1195 was presented to the SVG on 3 July 2007 for a decision on progression. The SVG approved CP1195 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release.


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