CP1205 – D0095 reporting of immaterial superfluous consumption

Formal title: D0095 reporting of immaterial superfluous consumption

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation Exception Report (D0095) provides Suppliers with detail of anomalies in the data provided to Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators (NHHDAs) by Non Half Hourly Data Collectors (NHHDCs) and the Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA). The E03 and E04 exceptions report superfluous consumption. They are reported when the NHHDA receives an Annualised Advance (AA) (E03) or an Estimate Annual Consumption (EAC) (E04) respectively, for a period for which it is not appointed. These exceptions are reported to the Supplier that is appointed to the Metering System as recorded by the NHHDC. In the 2007 BSC Auditor’s Report, it was reported that the volume of D0095 exceptions at RF as at 31 March 2007 was 4,092,060. 7,016 of these were E03 exceptions and 1,514,997 were E04 exceptions. Most of the E03 and E04 exceptions are likely to be immaterial. CP1205 proposes to change the functionality of the NHHDA Check Data Collector Data (CDCD) to ensure E03 and E04 exceptions are not reported 1 day either side of the NHHDA appointment. This will eliminate the immaterial exceptions that result from the change of NHHDA. The effect is that only repeated instances of E03 and E04 exceptions are reported.


CP1205 was raised on 3 August 2007. CP1205 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00610. CP1205 was presented to the SVG on 05 February 2008 for decision on Progression. The SVG Approved CP1205 for inclusion in the June 2008 Release. A paper was taken to the SVG (SVG85/08) on 04 March 2008 requesting that CP1205 be removed from the June 2008 Release and moved to the February 2009 Release. The SVG approved the movement of CP1205 into the February 2009 Release. CP1205 was implemented on 26 February 2009 as part of the February 2009 Release.


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