CP1210 – Housekeeping changes to re-baseline November 2007 Release documents to reflect the P197 and P207 Releases

Formal title: Housekeeping changes to re-baseline November 2007 Release documents to reflect the P197 and P207 Releases

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The November 2007 Release includes approved changes to 12 Category 1 Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs) and two Category 1 Configurable Items (CIs); the redlined text for these changes were developed, reviewed and approved as part of the approval of the relevant Change Proposals. Due to the timescales involved in the new change process introduced under CP1170, “Improving the BSC Change Process”, all changes for the November 2007 Release were developed prior to the authorisation of the CSDs and CIs amended to deliver the solution to P197 and P207. However, eight of the Category 1 CSDs and both of the Category 1 CIs being amended for the November 2007 Release were also amended for the P197 release, which will be implemented on 23 August 2007; as a result, any changes introduced by the P197 Release are not included in the redlined changes approved for the November 2007 Release. In addition, one of the CSDs being amended for the November Release (BSCP537) will also be amended to implement changes for Approved Modification P207 on 10 September 2007, i. e. prior to the November 2007 Release Implementation Date. Therefore it is necessary to re-baseline the relevant November 2007 Release changes onto the latest versions of the relevant documents, to ensure that no approved changes are lost when implementing the November 2007 Release changes.


CP1210 was raised on 9 August 2007. CP1210 was presented to the ISG on 28 August 2007 for a decision on Progression. The ISG approved CP1210 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release. CP1210 was presented to the SVG on 4 September 2007 for a decision on Progression. The SVG approved CP1210 for inclusion in the November 2007 Release


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