CP1285 – Unmetered Supplies: Clarification of Central Management System Requirements
Formal title: Unmetered Supplies: Clarification of Central Management System Requirements
Current Status
Elexon raised CP1285 to improve clarity around Central Management System (CMS) requirements in BSCP520: The four issues for clarification are that: the maximum file lines permitted in control files are insufficient to record expected amount of information and should be increased; the CMS Unit Reference for control devices requires clarification to help users meet the BSCP’s required 12-digit structure; the CMS Unit Reference for non-control devices requires clarification to prevent confusion with file naming conventions; and the definition of information flag. Elexon has developed CP1285 in collaboration with UMSOs, MAs and CMS manufacturers who are involved in the CMS process.
CP1285 was raised on 03 April 2009. CP1285 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00660. CP1285 was presented to the SVG on 02 June 2009 for a decision on progression. The SVG approved CP1285 and it was implemented as part of the November 2009 Release.