CP1321 – Housekeeping Change to correct a manifest error in BSCP301 and NETA IDD Part 2
Formal title: Housekeeping Change to correct a manifest error in BSCP301 and NETA IDD Part 2
Current Status
CP1313 introduced an error into BSCP301 where in section 4. 6. 1. 5 it is stated that the ‘ECVAA-I027: Notification of BSC Party in Section H Default’ is sent from ECVAA to BSCCo. This is not correct as BSCCo sends to ECVAA an I027 on an ad-hoc basis, to inform ECVAA on any Parties in Section H Default. CP1321 proposes correcting the text in the ‘Information Required’ column for section 4. 6. 1. 5. Section 4. 6. 2. 5 also wrongly references the I027 as a result of the changes brought about by CP1313, and it is proposed that this reference is removed. Additionally, during the implementation of CP1313 we noticed that while the changes brought about CP1313 were correctly applied, these changes were not referenced in section 3 of the IDD.
CP1321 was raised on 9 December 2009. It is a Housekeeping change and was not issued for Industry impact assessment. The ISG approved this CP on 22 December 2009 and was implemented as part of the February 10 Release.