CP1339 – Amendments to BSCP533 to enable changes to the hosting and operation of the PARMS system

Formal title: Amendments to BSCP533 to enable changes to the hosting and operation of the PARMS system

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


Elexon has added the hosting and operation of the PARMS to the scope of the BSC Services Agreement. Logica commenced the service from 1 August 2010. From 1 November 2010, we want Performance Assurance Parties to submit PARMS files directly to (and receive acknowledgements directly from) PARMS at Logica.
BSCP533 and its appendices currently include numerous references to [email protected], [email protected], Elexon and BSCCo. BSCP536 also contains references to [email protected]. Many of these references will be incorrect or obsolete as a result of outsourcing PARMS hosting and operation.


CP1339 was raised on 6 August 2010. CP1339 was issued for Industry Impact Assessment as part of CPC00686. This CP was approved by the SVG on 5 October 2010 and was implemented as part of the November 2010 BSC Release.


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