CP1367 – Reporting Data relating to the East-West Interconnector on the BMRS

Formal title: Reporting Data relating to the East-West Interconnector on the BMRS

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The East-West Interconnector will become operational in 2012 and data relating to it should be reported individually on the BMRS. The BSC provides for the Panel to include new Interconnectors in reporting without the application of the Modification process, and the BSC Panel has approved a BMRA Fuel Type Category relating to the Interconnector with effect from June 2012. The Panel has also endorsed Elexon’s approach to implementing the necessary system and document changes in the June 2012 BSC Systems Release by raising this CP for consideration by the ISG, with no industry Impact Assessment.


CP1367 was raised on 10 February 2012. It was approved by ISG at its meeting on 21 February 2012 for inclusion in the June 2012 Release.


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