CP1373 – Uploading multiple ECVNs/MVRNs via the EWS

Formal title: Uploading multiple ECVNs/MVRNs via the EWS

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


Trading Parties notify the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA) of trades via flows generated and submitted by Party Agents using either their own internal notification systems or the ECVAA Web Service (EWS).  Use of the EWS involves manual data entry which is inefficient and error prone.  CP1373 would enable the EWS to accept files containing multiple notification details, with no effect on existing submission methods.


CP1373 was raised and issued for industry impact assessment via CPC00712 on 27 April 2012, with responses due back on 24 May 2012. CP1373 was approved by ISG at its meeting on 26 June 2012 for inclusion in the February 2013 Release.


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