CP1390 – New MDD Entity for SMETS Version
Formal title: New MDD Entity for SMETS Version
Current Status
In order to support arrangements for Smart Metering, a new DTC data item, ‘Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications (SMETS) Version’ has been created under governance of the Master Registration Agreement (MRA). Suppliers will use ‘SMETS Version’ to indicate their view of the version of the SMETS against which a particular Smart Metering System is compliant. Through industry consultation carried out under DTC CP3362 (Revisions to the DTC related to SMIP consequential Changes: Registration), it has been requested that ‘SMETS Version’ be included in Market Domain Data as a new entity. For consistency purposes, we propose making this information available via the Elexon Portal.
CP1390 was raised and issued for industry impact assessment via CPC00727 on 22 March 2013, with responses due back on 25 April 2013.
CP1390 was approved by SVG at its meeting on 4 June 2013 for implementation on 7 November 2013 as part of the November 2013 BSC Systems Release.