CP1395 – Distribution of Configuration Details for Smart Meters

Formal title: Distribution of Configuration Details for Smart Meters

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


CP1395 provides detailed solution for communicating smart Meter configuration details to the appointed NHHMOA. This is an alternative solution to CP1388.


British Gas raised CP1395 on the 19 July 2013 as an alternative solution to CP1388.

Elexon issued CP1395 under a joint consultation with CP1388 for industry impact assessment on 26 July 2013 under CPC00729, with responses due back on 29 August 2013.

Elexon presented CP1388 and CP1395 to the SVG at its meeting on 1 October 2013 (SVG152/09). The SVG could not make a unanimous decision with respect to CP1388 nor CP1395. As such it fell to the Panel to make a decision. However, it recommended by majority the rejection of CP1388 and approval of CP1395.

Elexon presented CP1388 and CP1395 to the Panel at its meeting on 10 October 2013 (217/07). The Panel rejected CP1388 and approved CP1395 for implementation on 26 February 2015 as part of the February 2015 release.



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