CP1447 – Amendment to the timescales for sending the D0010 from Supplier to NHHDC on a Smart Change of Supply event
Formal title: Amendment to the timescales for sending the D0010 from Supplier to NHHDC on a Smart Change of Supply event
Current Status
CP1447 proposes a limited change to the solution approved under P302 ‘Improve the Change of Supplier Meter read and Settlement process for smart Meters’ by amending the timescale for sending the D0010 ‘Meter Readings’ data flow for smart Meters (detailed in step of BSCP504) from one Working Day (WD) to three WDs on a change of Supply (CoS).
This will enable the Meter readings to be sent with the Meter Serial Number (MSN) installed on site that is contained in the Meter Technical Detail data flows as these should have been received within 3WDs or sent on straight away if received from another source. This makes the process more flexible so it can function prior to the anticipated Data Communication Company (DCC) change to the Read Inventory command.
CP1447 was raised by RWE npower on 4 September 2015. It was issued for CP Consultation on 7 September 2015, which closed on 2 October 2015.
At its meeting on 3 November 2015, the SVG approved CP1447 approved for implementation on 30 June 2016 as part of the June 2016 Release.
Next Events
The Final CP1447 Report will be published here shortly.