CP1481 – Housekeeping Change to BSCP536 following approval of P339
Formal title: Housekeeping Change to BSCP536 following approval of P339
Current Status
After approval of the P339 and the corresponding redlining, an error in the redlining to BSCP536 was identified.
The approved redlined changes to BSCP536 incorrectly redefined a definition to include both Active Export and Active Import, where it previously only included Active Import. The intent of P339 was not to change the definition but simply to remove the references to specific CCC IDs. There will be no change to the calculation of Supplier Charges.
Elexon raised CP1481 on 14 December 2016. Elexon presented the CP1481 Assessment Report to the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVG) and Performance Assurance Board (PAB) for decision at their meetings on 3 January 2017 and 26 January 2017, respectively. The SVG and PAB determined that the change is a Housekeeping Change, and decided to approve CP1481. CP1481 was implemented on 1 April 217.
Next Events
CP1481 was implemented on 1 April 217.