CP1506: New Interconnector fuel type
Formal title: New Interconnector fuel type
Current Status
The Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) is used for reporting operational data, relating to the Great Britain (GB) electricity Balancing and Settlement arrangements. The BMRS contains information and data on historical generation, actual generation and forecasted generation. The BMRS provides market transparency, and to do so it is important that the contributions of all active Interconnectors are reflected accurately
CP1506 seeks to enable the BMRS to receive, store and publish data relating to the forthcoming Nemo Link Interconnector, by amending the Interface Design Document (IDD): Part 1 – Interfaces with BSC Parties and their Agents, with the proposed new Fuel Type Category. A new Fuel Type Category will be created for the Nemo Link Interconnector. This CP facilitates the current provisions, by ensuring that systems and processes are in place such that data relating to the Nemo Link Interconnector (if approved by the Panel as a Fuel Type Category under Section Q) can be reported on the BMRS.
Furthermore, as the Interconnector capacity is set to increase over the coming years, the BMRS will need to remain a clear source of market data and as such the website graphical user interface (GUI) should be updated to remain clear and user friendly, following the inclusion of the new Interconnector fuel type. To achieve this, the BMRS will also publish the aggregation of interconnector flows by bidding zone.
CP1506 was raised by National Grid on 3 May 2018. It was presented as a vebal update at ISG 203, where an outline was given on the intentions of the proposed CP. It has been issued for CP Consultation on 8 May 2018, with responses due by 1 June 2018. It will be presented to the Panel on 12 July 2018 for decision. CP1506 was approved by the Panel on 12 July 2018 and it is set for implementation on 1 November 2018, as part of the November 2018 Release.
Next Events
CP1506 was implemented on 1 November 2018, as part of the November 2018 BSC Release.