CP1507: Updates to BSCP520 to align with working practices

Formal title: Updates to BSCP520 to align with working practices and UMSUG recommendations

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The Unmetered Supplies User Group (UMSUG) has identified various issues with BSCP520 ‘Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS’; this Change Proposal (CP) aims to align it with working practices of Meter Administrators (MAs). These issues relate to removal of unwanted data flows to Unmetered Supply Operators, Equivalent Meter (EM) Operation, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging and an issue highlighted by the BSC Auditor. This CP proposes to address the following areas:

  • Need for obligations on Unmetered Supplies Operators (UMSOs) to support the new measured Central Management Systems (CMS)  arrangements
  • Lack of timescales on UMSOs’ inventory validation process
  • Scope for further clarification regarding receipt of Market Domain Data
  • Unnecessary requirement for MAs to provide UMSOs with list of missing CMS Unit References
  • Scope for clarifications of MA obligations relating to Dynamic Meters

These changes will support, clarify and remove potential inefficiencies in the BSC’s Unmetered Supplies (UMS) arrangements – including addressing an existing BSC Audit Market Issue. The UMSUG recommended that Elexon raises this CP.


CP1507 was raised by Elexon on 15 May 2018. It was presented for information to the SVG on 29 May 2018. It was issued for CP Consultation on 4 June 2018, with responses due by 29 June 2018.

CP1507 was presented for decision to the SVG at its meeting on 31 July 2018. CP1507 was approved and will be implemented on 1 November 2018, as part of the November 2018 BSC Release.

Next Events

CP1507 will be implemented on 1 November 2018, as part of the November 2018 BSC Release.


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