CP1512: Improving the format of BSCP11 forms
Formal title: Improving the format of BSCP11 forms
Current Status
Trading Disputes are queries, differences or disputes relating to errors in the data or processes used for the purposes of Settlement, or the application of the rules for Settlement. The errors to be rectified as a result of a Trading Dispute are termed ‘Settlement Errors’.
Suppliers have an obligation under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to ensure Settlement is accurate. Where Settlement is known to not be accurate, BSC Parties may raise a Trading Dispute so that the error can be rectified and the integrity of Settlement remains.
The information that Parties enter into BSC Procedure (BSCP) 11 ‘Trading Disputes’ forms is not always sufficient to enable Elexon to progress a Trading Dispute efficiently. This results in longer rectification timescales for Trading Disputes that could otherwise be avoided if such information was explicitly requested as part of the BSCP11/01 ‘Trading Dispute Raising Form’ in particular. For instance often Elexon requires further detailed information regarding the Trading Dispute raised.
Further, whilst part of Elexon’s current internal process, BSCP11 table 5.1 ‘Trading Disputes Process’ step 5.1.2 does not explicitly make clear that the Disputes Secretary must forward the Trading Disputes Raising Form to the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) Settlement Services Provider upon receipt.
Additionally, BSCP11 forms contain several examples of unnecessary, redundant or incorrect wording and formatting that could create confusion for BSC Parties involved in the Disputes, or rectification of Disputes processes.
The updates to the BSCP11/01 form will include a new questionnaire that captures crucial information including:
- the type of error leading to the Trading Dispute (e.g. System Prices/CVA Metering Systems);
- who identified the error and how it was identified;
- what caused the error to occur; and
- what actions have been taken so far to correct the error and if any correction has been made in the fluid period, Initial Settlement Run(SF) to the Final Reconciliation(RF) with a prompt to specify the range of Settlement Days and Settlement Periods already corrected.
Raising Parties will additionally be required to provide the uncorrected data, the proposed replacement data, a statement explaining why exceptional circumstances exist (if requested) and commissioning records for installed Metering Equipment.
Further, CP1512 will update BSCP11 table 5.1 ‘Trading Disputes Process’ step 5.1.2 to clarify that the Disputes Secretary must forward the Trading Disputes Raising Form to the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) Settlement Services Provider upon receipt.
Additionally, forms within BSCP11 will be updated to remove unnecessary, redundant or incorrect wording and formatting that could create confusion for BSC Parties involved in the Disputes, or rectification of Disputes processes.
CP1512 was raised by Elexon on 26 October 2018. It was presented to the TDC for information on 01 November 2018. It was been issued for consultation on 5 November 2018 as part of CPC batch 00791, with responses due by Friday 30 November 2018. CP1512 was provided to the TDC for Decision by correspondence on 3 January 2019 (TDC246/01). The CP was approved by the TDC for implementation on 27 June 2019 as part of the June 2019 BSC Release.
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CP1512 was implementated on 27 June 2019 as part of the June 2019 BSC Release.