CP1520 Clarification to ‘Change of Ownership’ process in BSCP537

Formal title: Clarification to 'Change of Ownership' process in BSCP537

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


The change of ownership process in BCSP537 is not fit for purpose; leading to confusion around the requirements following a change of ownership. CP1520 will introduce a new change of ownership letter and
amend BSCP537 Section 2.6.1 to cite the new change of ownership letter.


CP1520 was raised on 8 August 2019 by Elexon.

CP1520 was presented to the ISG on 20 August PAB on 29 August and SVG on 3 September 2019. All three committees noted that CP1520 had been raised and the proposed progression timetable. 

The CP1520 Assessment Report was presented to the ISG on 22 October, PAB on 31 October 2019 and SVG on 5 November, all Committees unanimously agreed with the CP1520 proposed solution with no comments. CP1520 was implemented on 18 December, as part of an ad-hoc BSC Release.

New Podcast

CP1520 was issued for industry consultation on 9 September with responses due by 4 October 2019. A link to the consultation is below in the ‘Documents’ section. To help you get a quick understanding of the issue Danielle Pettitt has recorded a podcast

Next Events

CP1520 was implemented on 18 December 2019.


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