Consultation Responses
There were nine respondents to the consultation, from Market Roles including Suppliers, Supplier Agents and a Distributor. All nine respondents agreed with the CP, six identified impacts with five identifying costs.
Why Change?
Currently the Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA) allows registrations to be deleted if no Meter has been installed on a Metering Point. This process removes the original Supplier’s registration so that a second Supplier can treat the site as a new connection (rather than a Change of Supplier (CoS)) and arrange for the Meter Operator (MOA) to install a Meter. This functionality will not be available within the Central Switching Service (CSS) which is due to go-live in Summer 2021 (subject to any re-planning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic).
The CoS process, where there is no Metering Equipment at site, is not explicitly defined within the relevant BSCPs. Suppliers and Supplier Agents follow the existing CoS processes, which includes requesting Meter Read History (MRH) that is not available due to the lack of Metering Equipment on site.
Following the introduction of the CSS, this process will become more prevalent and affect Suppliers, Meter Operator Agents (MOA), Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDC) and Non Half Hourly Data Collectors (NHHDC).
Next Steps
CP1534 will be presented to SVG for decision at its meeting on Tuesday 1 September 2020.