CP1538 Correct Specification of TERRE Tibco messages

The Assessment Report for CP1538 was presented to the  ISG on 2 February 2021, where it was approved for implementation in the April 2021 ad-hoc BSC release

Formal title: Correct Specification of TERRE Tibco messages

Current Status

CPC Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


CP1517 ‘Changes to BSC Configurable Items for the Trans-European Replacement Reserve Exchange (TERRE) Final Implementation Date’ was implemented in December 2019, making changes to a number of BSC Configurable Items to implement changes necessary for the TERRE solution. However, it omitted a small number of definitions from the New Electricity Trading Arrangements (NETA) Interface Definition and Design (IDD) Part 1 document in relation to Tibco messages. This change aims to implement those definition changes in the IDD Part 1 document to ensure that Tibco users will be able to receive TERRE data and to enable a secure foundation for any future TERRE changes which may be necessary.

Any party wishing to receive Tibco messages containing TERRE related information will need to amend their systems as per the definitions contained in the NETA IDD Part 1 document. 


CP1538 was raised by Elexon on 19 November 2020 and the Progression paper was presented to the ISG on 1 December 2020. CP1538 was issued for consultation on 7 December 2020, with responses due 6 January 2021. There were no responses to the consultation, as the only impact on participants was to allow them to correctly configure their systems to receive TERRE data in Tibco messages. The CP1538 Assessment Report was presented to the ISG on 2 February 2021. The ISG approved the CP1538 solution, and approved CP1538 for implementation on 1 April 2021 as part of the April 2021 BSC release.

Next Events

CP1538 will be implemented on 1 April 2021 as part of the April 2021 BSC release.


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