CP1599 Remove the requirement in BSCP602 to specify the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in Non-Final Demand Declarations

Formal title: Remove the requirement in BSCP602 to specify the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in Non-Final Demand Declarations

CP1599 proposes updates to BSCP602 to remove the requirement for Non-Final Demand Declarations to specify the HHDA and Effective From Date (EFD) for each MSID. It also adds a process in the Customer Solution to check if an MSID in the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register has transitioned to the MHHS arrangements and validate and store the relevant MSID information.

Currently, BSCP602 ‘SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register’ requires Non-Final Demand Declarations to specify the HHDA for each Import and Export MSID. The Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution and Elexon website pages also include this as a mandatory field.

However, from the beginning of the MHHS Transition Period, HHDAs will not be appointed to migrated MSIDs; this will make it impossible to specify an HHDA for these MSIDs in Non-Final Demand Declarations. Therefore, CP1599 will remove this HHDA requirement from BSCP602 at the start of the MHHS Transition Period.

Amendments to the Customer Solution and Elexon website to support this change are part of Elexon’s Helix Programme, with BSCP602 updates as a related outcome.

Current Status

Change Proposal Consultation
Committee Decision
Awaiting Implementation


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